Is my gift to Barnabas tax-deductible?
Yes! Gifts to The Barnabas Center - Richmond are fully deductible as the law allows. We’re a non-profit 501c3 organization (EIN 83-2336367).
Can I give through a Donor Advised Fund?
Yes! The Barnabas Center - Richmond can be added to your Donor Advised Fund giving by searching within your fund for our Federal Tax ID 83-2336367, or by our name The Barnabas Center - Richmond. Please use our Contact form for any other questions.
Am I eligible for my company’s matching gift program?
Each company has different requirements for matching donation programs, so please check with your company directly to confirm specific details about eligibility. If you need any additional information for your company's matching gift form, please send us a message through our Contact form.
Can I make a charitable gift of stocks?
Yes! We recommend you begin the process through your broker and then contact us at 804-741-2333 or through our Contact form for any additional information you need.
Please note: You will receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of your gift, only if filing for taxes in the US.
Can I make a gift by check?
Yes! Checks can be made out to The Barnabas Center and mailed to us at 7113 Three Chopt Rd., Suite 210, Richmond VA 23226.
will i receive a statement for my gift?
Yes! We acknowledge gifts by email within 2 weeks of receipt. We also provide a statement for all cash gifts in January each year.